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Get Involved!

Check back soon for 2025 Staff Application details!


Thank you for your interest in TANG. See below for our current list of available staff positions. If a particular role is not mentioned but you are still looking to contribute, please reach out to

Applicant Requirements

  • Must be 18 years or older by July 1, 2024
  • Must enjoy working with children and youth

  • Must be able to commit to the full 5 days of TANG (July 2 - 7, 2024)

  • Must be able to commit to staff day, July 2nd.

Application Process

All staffers are expected to undergo the application process. Here’s how our application process works:

  1. Complete the online application.

  2. Your application will be reviewed by TANG leadership.

  3. End of April - TANG Program Directors will assign counselors to programs depending on program's needs, applicant's strengths and applicant's program ranking preferences.

  4. Early May - You will receive a welcome letter from your Program Directors. They will ask that you confirm your availability and commitment to TANG by May 10th.

Important Dates

Staff Wide Meet and Greet (Virtual)
  • New and returning staffers will have the opportunity to meet new faces, catch up, and play some games.
  • Mid-May
Staff Orientation (Virtual)
  • All staffers will attend to align on TANG's mission, values, and expectations.
  • End of May
Staff Meetings (Virtual)
  • All staffers will attend weekly virtual meetings led by Program Directors
  • Staffers will plan, receive trainings, and participate in staff bonding
  • May - July
Staff Day (in-person)
  • Staff training
    • Campus tour, TANG-wide program logistics, small group training.
  • Staff mingling
    • Get to know staff from different programs!
  • Program Breakouts
    • Finalize programming
    • Bonding time with your fellow counselors and Program Directors.
  • June 30, 2023
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2023 Summer Conference

Our mission is to help youth discover their strengths and inspire them to apply them towards the betterment of society. As a counselor, you will join a team of individuals in nurturing and personal development of your participants. It will be a weekend of trials, reflection, and realizing potential.


You will walk away with experiences of personal growth, leadership skills, and life long relationships.


Media Team 

2023 Summer Conference

Calling all photographers, film and presentation gurus! The Media Team focuses on creative projects including capturing video and photo memories of the weekend. The footage is compiled into a slideshow at the end of the weekend.  


Media Team interactions with campers will be more limited than counselor-camper interactions, so please keep that in mind when considering this position.

Key Responsibilities: Volunteers will have two fundamental responsibilities. 1. Capturing photo and video memories of conference events. 2. Producing a slideshow for the closing ceremony. Recommended skills for a Cameramen - An interest or passion in photography and videography. - A willingness to try new things. - Good communication and teamwork. Recommended skills for a Video Editor - An interest or passion in video editing. - A willingness to try new things. - Good communication and teamwork. - Good organizational skills. Required Equipment: Volunteers can be provided with fee remission for rental equipment used for the conference. - Camera equipment for capturing photos and video. - Computer equipment for editing footage.

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Look for "Media Team" when you get to page 3 of the application form

Our staff is integral to making our summer conference a success. We welcome people from all backgrounds even if you are not Taiwanese!
As a staff member, TANG values your identity, talents, and ideas which bring diversity to our community.

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