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Welcome to TANG Parents & Adults!

Schedule Image:

  1. All TPA are welcome to attend TACEC events. Click here for TACEC schedule. 

  2. Please accept our Slack invitation to join the tpa2024 channel as we will be using that for communication during TANG. 

  3. Please sign off on the Skyzone waiver for our 7/5 outing. This only for adults. The youth programs will not be participating.

3:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Registration (Allegheny Hall)

Check in and unpack

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Dinner (SECC)
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM| TANG Welcome Ceremony (SECC 108)

Join us to meet the ED, TANG PDs, and counselors as they introduce this year's theme and go over expectations and rules.

7:30 PM - 8:00 PM | TPA Welcome and Schedule overview (SECC 108)

Join us for a walk through of our 2024 program including new sessions and previous hits

8:00 PM - 9:30 PM | Welcome Reception w/ TACEC (SECC Ballroom)

Mix and mingle with other TPA and TACEC. Light refreshments will be served.

9:30 PM -10:00 PM | Taiwan Night Prep (SECC 108)

Come be a part of our Taiwan Night Performance. Everyone is welcome. There is a short practice each day. No special skills required. :) 

10:00 PM - 11:00 PM | Game Night (Allegheny Hall Lounge)

Stop by for after hours fun and hanging out over simple and hilarious games.

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